Class on Wednesday was taught by a substitute named Ivan. She was great. The class was more crowded than usual, and there were 9 of us. She began with the same stretches we are used to, but we learned slow motions to change things up a bit.
The first move we did was the figure eight. We did it very slowly, but deliberately. (If that makes any sense) This move could be done with the arms moving up and down your face, snake arms, (which we also worked a lot on) and behind you. The most difficult part was switching directions and getting your hips to move back and to the left first instead of forward and to the right.
We worked on 3/4 turns, where your hips move up and down on a 1-2-3-count and while you walk at the same time. That was interesting!
Ivan even went through arabesque turns with us. She had us all line up by 3's at the end of class and walk to the other end stepping 3 times, and then turning our hips inward and out lifting our toes. This move was beautiful, and could be worked into a number of routines we have been learning recently.
My favorite part of the class came last when she taugh us a drum solo. This was hot. The music was loud, upbeat, and the energy the moves gave off was high! While doing the dance you couldn't help but giggle with excitement as was the entire class.
Overall, this week was great in class, and my friend Ashley and I even did our moves out when we went dancing this weekend! Huge success and a lot of fun!